
Hi There!

Hi! It's been many a year since I've been on this site, and now that I've been taking my art more seriously I though I'd take it back up to give myself somewhere to document things and talk about art and life. A little about me:           My Name Is Nadine, I'm from Queensland, Australia (as someone who doesn't like or deal well with the heat, it's not the best place to have been born haha) where I've lived my whole life. I've loved drawing- and art in general- for as long as I can remember. My mum's also an artist, so I guess it runs in my blood haha. When I was in primary school I'd always gravitate towards doing art if given the choice. I'd draw all sorts of things When I got to high school, sometimes I struggled to pay attention, and I'll admit that I drew too much in class instead of doing schoolwork. Throughout middle school I watched a lot of disney channel, nickelodeon, cartoon network etc. kids shows on yo